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May 2023

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Education News
The SSA Valuation & Acquisition Course will take place in Denver this month.

Government Relations
The Supreme Court clarifies overtime requirements.

Thriving Amid Challenges
Independents remain resilient and hopeful as they navigate industry changes.

Retiree Rebound
Seniors re-enter the workforce to counter boredom, inflation and loneliness.

Prepare to Succeed
There are many tips operators can share to help tenants avoid mistakes.

Savvy Social Skills
Having a steady online media presence builds trust and connections with customers.

A Look Back at NOLA
We remember through photos our SSA Spring Conference & Trade Show in New Orleans.

Legal Q&A
Understanding next steps if a tenant storing business supplies is arrested.

State Association News

Industry Report

SSA Magazine Advertisers

Data Depot
We take a look at storage trends in the Southwestern Region of the United States.

